This project was located close to Ciudad Quesada, near La Fortuna. When I first get here, I met Marie who explained everything to me, and some volunteers. I visited on my own the center and I was impressed by all the animals: monkeys, cats, parrots everywhere, tapir… The center was really nice and the volunteers seemed to get along very well. I made myself new friends really fast and we could go on trips for 2 or 3 days in the end of the week. We had amazing time together in Monteverde and Arenal.
In the project, every day we had different tasks and the work was sometimes hard but it was lovely because the team was really kind and we had a lot of fun. We had to clean the cages, feed the parrots, and clean the center (a lot!). It was really interesting to do something so different from our real life back home.

I lived in a house 20 minute by bus from the center, in a new family with other volunteers. I t was really cool because it was in a beautiful street in the middle of crops. I had my own room and every night we ate with the family, really good food. Marie was always preparing good meals (and for the lunch too!). In the morning, Roy, his brother who lived in the same house as us, was making good breakfast, always regarding our choice in food (vegetarian…).
The project was perfect to make new friends from all over the world and also, we had a lot of liberty. I am really happy I chose this one to start my adventure in Costa Rica! By the end of my 2 weeks there, I did not want to leave…