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I am a freshman in college studying psychology who wanted to try volunteering at the in Costa Rica. While I was looking at companies to go with, I put down my number in some of them and GoEco called me first so I took it as a sign and they planned everything so fast and so easy that I had no other option but to accept their invitation.

Once in Costa Rica, I did two programs: Teaching and Social Work in San Jose and Sea Turtle Conservation! I did each for two weeks and they were both unique and amazing experiences. The first two weeks I spent them in San Jose, volunteering with the sweetest kids at a little orphanage, I would play with them, paint their faces, take them outside, and give them as much love as I could. In the afternoons I would go explore the city and make new friends.

On the weekends, I would plan trips to go on by myself and would end up meeting people everywhere I went.My favorite part of this trip was being by myself the entire time and doing what I wanted to do without having anyone to tell me otherwise!

Saying goodbye to the kids was one of the saddest things I’ve done but I was glad I got to spend two weeks with them. I went to a refuge in Camaronal where I was way out of my comfort zone, living the rustic life, but it was life changing.

I learned how to stop worrying about unimportant things that take up most of my time, I met amazing people, I saved over 400 turtle eggs and released over 150 baby ones, and I had the time of my life. Leaving the refuge was like leaving my home, and leaving Costa Rica was like leaving a piece of my heart behind. But I will always call that place my home and I cannot wait till I go back and travel some more in that beautiful country.