When I was trying to decide which project I wanted to volunteer with I became inspired by one of my favorite quotes, “Even in the darkest place the light shines that much brighter.” This helped me decide that I wanted to join the Creating Safe Spaces for At-Risk Youth project. I traveled to Israel before my project started and spent time with friends. After a week of exploring and traveling my project in Jerusalem began. The first day of orientation was one of my favorite days! Our guide was one of the most inspirational people I had ever met. He was able to put things in a completely new and different perspective. He gave us an amazing tour of Jerusalem which included the market, the New City and the Old City. We also saw an amazing panoramic view and ate hummus.
My favorite part of the day was on the way to the Old City when we passed a group of palm trees. Our guide made us stop and told us to look at all the trees. He asked if they were all the same and then explained how each palm tree was a tree that grew slightly differently. For me this was the perfect image of Israel, a place where everyone is growing separately yet still a unit growing and developing together. It made me realize that life is not about them or us, but about everyone just in different places. This was truly one of the most pinnacle moments of my trip that I will always remember fondly.
After orientation, I began my volunteer project. My first week I helped at a music festival in Jerusalem where the school had a stand. It was really interesting talking to my project manager, helping out and getting to explore the music festival. The second week I volunteered at the school and plant nursery. I helped re-pot plants which was productive work and worked with the animals that the school owned. When anyone went into one of the enclosures the animals would flock to them and make a noise in unison like they had been trained.
While volunteering at the Creating Safe Spaces for At-Risk Youth project I was able to find peace and happiness in myself. Volunteering in Israel was very important to me because I was able to take away a deeper meaning. I was able to learn from my interactions with people on the project and in Israel. I honestly don’t think I will or am the same person because of it. GoEco projects encourage not only volunteering, but enjoying the country and city you’re living in. I made friends with people in the hostel and explored Jerusalem and Israel with them. On my days off we visited the Tower of David, the Israeli museum, partook in various hikes and ate delicious food all over the city. There is so much to do in this wonderful country!
Volunteering in Israel was a life changing experience. Now you’ve heard my story, so it’s time for you to experience your own GoEco trip!
להתראות (Goodbye/See you later in Hebrew)

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Volunteering in Israel – A Trip to Remember

Posted by: Claire

#Israel #Community Aid #Middle East #Community Aid and Development

Having A Great Time Exploring Israel!

Having A Great Time Exploring Israel!

The Meaningful Palm Trees In Jerusalem

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