There was not even one tiny instant that I regretted my spontaneous decision to take part in this project at the Coral Reef Conservation project. From the very first day I liked the stuff, the work, the accommodation, the possibilities to spend my leisure time and in the end I just loved it.
The contact with people, with nature, the new challenges every day by exploring my own physical strength during work and after work (swimming and discovering the amazing and for me absolutely unknown world under water), the challenges by coping with unknown situations gave me the feeling of becoming stronger and more self-confident and at the same time I became more humble and loving.
Taking part in this project opened up new perspectives for my future life and opened a lot of windows to see the world and the to perceive the wide spectrum of opportunities/changes to change or to take different directions. But as GoEco staff-members always emphasize – it all depends on the person, it all depends on your motivation to open up and to take in everything that is offered in a receiving and welcoming way.

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Volunteering in Israel at the Coral Reef Reserve

Posted by: Angela

#Israel #Marine Conservation #Conservation #Middle East #Marine and Coral Reef Conservation

GoEco Volunteers And Staff At The Reserve

Underwater Snapshot Of The Reef

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