As summer approaches, the thought that fills most heads is lounging on a sun-lit beach, sipping cocktails and enjoying the horizon. This summer I managed to fulfil this dream on one of the most tremendous island of the world – Mahé Island, Seychelles. And this trip is not just all play, no work. If I may say so, this trip was one of the most fulfilling months of my life, far too short if you ask me.
Volunteering in Seychelles for the Scuba Dive for Research and Conservation project, I was able to closely observe the various species of fish and coral underwater, alongside with countless invertebrates and mega faunas, giving you the most colourful thrill.
The intense learning process began the very first day we arrived, teaching us physiology, behaviour and survey methodology of different sea organisms, as well as different aspects of the ocean. At the same time, what we learned we practised in the ocean through surveys, collecting valuable data for the Seychelles National Park Association (SNPA) to monitor the coral reefs in the country. I consider this to be the most valuable part of the trip, as I contributed to the conservation of such vulnerable ecosystems. Other parts of the day were filled with daily chores that made the base run smoothly, such as filling scuba tanks and cooking meals, etc.
There was plenty of free time during the workday for leisure; my favourable must be napping on the hammock and sunbathing on our private beach. Weekends were packed with adventures up Pointe Matoopa, cultural experience at Victoria and night dive at Twin Barges. This unforgettable experience was topped by Philippe’s Creole BBQ after a competitive raft race against the members of SNPA.

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Volunteering in Seychelles – Swimming in Paradise

Posted by: Gabriel

#Seychelles #Conservation #Marine Conservation #Africa #Marine and Coral Reef Conservation

Some of the team before a dive

Some of the team before a dive

Doing some research

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