I wanted to find a project where I could help people in need an directly impact their lives. Luckily, I found one – the Social Food Program in Tel Aviv with GoEco. This program packages basic food for people who cannot afford food for themselves and/or their family.
In the food distribution center, I worked together with the staff there to pack the food boxes and to deliver them to the needy people. Nearly 350 families are assisted this way per month. Even more before Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
The people at the program welcomed me very sweetly. Soon I was a part of their program staff and felt very blessed to be there and be a part of something that makes a huge difference in the lives of many.
One or two times a week there were school groups coming over from all over the world to help us pack the boxes. It was a pleasure to work with these passionate young people and to feel that they were having a good time doing good for others.
It was in the afternoons mostly that we started to deliver the boxes to needy families. It was heart-melting how grateful these people were. This program definitely showed me the whole city. I got to see beyond the wonders of Tel Aviv and into the lives of the needy people living in districts that need food supplied on a daily basis.
I made connections with wonderful people volunteering in Israel and hope that this program will last for a long time, because it is in fact great to do good and get a smile in return.

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Volunteering in Israel – Packing Food for the Needy

Posted by: Fabienne

#Israel #Humanitarian Aid #Community Aid #Middle East #Community Aid and Development

Volunteer in Israel - Social Food Program

Volunteer in Israel - Social Food Program

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