Civil Society

Community Partnership

As per Gnarly Global Board Committee, each year GT20 Summit will undertake the accountability of a village from different states with partner countries. We are partnering with top Institutions/ Organizations/ Schools for Community Development Projects at GT20 Summit to empower Gnarly Troop adopted village with their own led Campaign “Joy of Giving”. Our vision is based on 4C's (Climate, Community, Culture and Cooperation) where community development is a challenge to promote the wellbeing of the less privileged children and families.

Community Partnership

We invite you in Gnarly Troop Village where you will find climate change is happening now, people are able to know the importance of studying, they participate in skill development training at Gnarly Troop Rural Area Development Centre to change the motion from poverty to health, to education, our community development programs offer the opportunity to dramatically improve the quality of life of less privileged children and people. We welcome many eminent personalities and intellectuals here in Gnarly Troop Village as role models to share their stories of struggles, success and how they stay physically and mentally fit.